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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / Social

25 Mar. 2019 / 18:10

Moldova ranks 81th in the world ranking on freedom of information

Moldova ranks the 81st in the world in the 2018 standings for "Freedom of information", conducted by Reporters without Borders, one step lower than last year, Radio Moldova News reports.

On the top positions in the same ranking, which includes 180 countries, are Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands, and the last - Eritrea and North Korea. The country score is between 0 (zero) and 100 points, zero being the best.

"Diversified but highly polarized, Moldova's media landscape is a picture of a country marked by chronic political instability and the suffocating influence of the oligarchs. The editorial line of the important media is closely related to the political or economic interests of their owners. Editor's independence and transparency of media ownership are key challenges. In an informational warfare climate that has been aggravated by the Ukrainian crisis, the lack of independence of the broadcasting regulator and the excesses of the "fight against propaganda" continue to cause concern", is the conclusion of the Reporters Without Borders report with reference to the Republic of Moldova.

In 2013, for example, Moldova ranks 55th in the same top, and in 2016 it dropped to 76. Romania ranks 44th, Ukraine 101th and the Russian Federation is 148th.

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