About Us

Discover the authentic values of sound art together with Radio Moldova Musical (RMM)! Voice and instrumental, academic and contemporary music, news and curiosities from the music world on RMM. If you are passionate about music, choose RMM! Listen Live to Music Moldova Music on TRM.MD.

Who we are?

Radio Moldova Musical is a cultural and informational radio station for musicians of all ages, including specialists in the field. Listeners can discover 24 of 24 hours authentic values ​​of sound art: vocal, instrumental, academic and contemporary music, mainly vocal jazz and classical music, instrumental of all genres and stylistic derivations. The entire program is "pigmented" with headings with relevant content target group: "Melotherapy"; "Curiosities in the history of universal music"; "Music Dictionary"; "Promo RMM" "Jazz Forum"; "Ambiance Salon". Beyond the media coverage of the great artistic events, a new fact at Radio Moldova Musical is that the specialists in the field and the melomanii have the opportunity to hear, in direct broadcast, the most important musical performances that take place in the concert halls in the country and around the world. Thanks to the collaboration with UERT colleagues, Radio Moldova Muzical constantly offers new products of European musical art every day, constantly participating in various international projects.


Radio Moldova Muzical (RMM) was launched on October 30, 2008. It was designed at the request of program consumers to use the radio archive of Radio Moldova.