
photo source: ozonoteh Moldova

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News / Regional

19 Feb. 2020 / 16:05

Hazelnut orchard to be planted by students in Mereni

A hazelnut orchard will be planted today in the courtyard of Theoretical Lyceum "Emil Nicula" in the village of Mereni, Anenii Noi. The students obtained 100 seedlings in the contest of electronic waste collection carried out by the Hai Moldova campaign.

They collected over two tons of electronic waste and ranked third, says the coordinator of the project "Hai Moldova", Nadejda Cebotari.

"This campaign was organized in the form of a contest. The prize for  I and II place was a water fountain that will be installed next week. Today, we will plant a hazelnut orchard. We are going with the company that donated these seedlings and we will monitor that this orchard is taken care of, so that the students enjoy the fruit and will share it among them”, said Nadejda Cebotari.

As part of the Hai Moldova campaign, carried out last autumn, students from 76 schools in the country participated in and collected over 45 tons of electronic waste.

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