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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / International

12 Sep. 2019 / 10:07

More than 2500 people in the Bahamas are missing after Hurricane Dorian

At least 2,500 people are believed to have disappeared in the Bahamas, more than a week after Hurricane Dorian hit the islands, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis announced, noting that the death toll could increase,Mediafax reports .

The prime minister said in a televised interview that the current balance remains of 50 dead, but given the large number of missing persons, the balance could increase.

"We expect the number of deceased people to increase significantly," Minnis said, adding that the government will be transparent and provide swift information on this.

Emergency services reported that the list of missing persons was not currently verified with the list of people who have evacuated their homes or are currently living in shelters.

Uraganul Dorian a lovit Insulele Bahamas pe 1 septembrie, fiind încadrat la categoria 5. Astfel, Dorian a fost unul dintre cele mai puternice uragane formate în Oceanul Atlantic care a lovit direct zone populate, cu vânturi de până la 298 de kilometri pe oră.

"Our good thoughts go to the families of the deceased. We pray for them in this period of mourning. We offer you a shoulder to cry on. You will never be forgotten, "said Prime Minister Minnis.

About 15,000 people still need shelter and food, according to the Disaster Management Agency.

The White House said Wednesday that the United States will not provide a temporary immigrant status protected by hurricane migrants from the Bahamas. This status would have allowed the people of the Bahamas to stay in the United States and work until their country returned to normal.

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