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Posted by: Mazur Rodica

News / Culture

13 Apr. 2021 / 10:12

The lady from the castle with the book walls" celebrates her 80th spring

She celebrates the 80th spring and amazes with a special energy. This is Claudia Balaban, also called "Lady of the castle with book walls", this castle being the National Library for Children "Ion Creanga", in which the distinguished lady has been active for over four decades and participated in the most important projects of the institution, reports Moldova 1.

"My home has been here for 40 years.  This house was beautiful through the people who work here, through the children who came to the library, through the books that this library has, a very good relationship with all the writers, especially with those who write for children, a very good relationship with  the teaching staff, with the parents who come to the library," said Claudia Balaban.

Now, Eugenia Bejan, the current director and disciple of Claudia Balaban, gives continuity to ideas and projects.

"It's all she taught us, all we could see in the way she organized the library's work.  She has an infectious energy, an exuberant love of life.  She always participates in our events, she is part of the team in our projects," said Eugenia Bejan.

Among the soul projects initiated by Claudia Balaban are: the international children's book fairs, the "Creangă Days" festival, the children's library.

Professor Adrian Ghicov is of the opinion that Claudia Balaban's human and professional destiny impresses everybody.

"Claudia Balaban is built in the book castle.  She made us happy with a lot of Romanian books, valuable here, in the cultural space of the Republic of Moldova, just when the readers here needed then the most," specified Adrian Ghicov.

Claudia Balaban was born on April 13, 1941 in the village of Burlăneşti, Edinet district.  Her activity was appreciated with numerous awards and distinctions, being crowned in 2010 with the Order of the Republic.

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